Talks/Media Appearances

Media Appearances

Interviewed for Yle evening news on Environmental impact of Kakhovka disaster, 8 June 2023

Interviewed for Yle, “Padon tuhoutuminen saattaa muuttaa valtavan alueen aavikoksi, varoittaa Ukrainan maatalousministeri”, 8 June 2023

Interviewed for Yle, “Kahovkan padon tulvat voivat aiheuttaa Tšernobyliin verrattavia ympäristötuhoja – “Ongelmat eivät jää vain Ukrainaan”, 8 June 2023

Interviewed for Yle’s Uutispodcast “Ympäristötuhoa kuin Tšernobylissä – Kahovkan padon tulva saastuttaa pitkäänon Environmental impact of Kakhovka disaster, 7 June 2023

Interviewed for Ukrainian Review on environmental impact of Kakhovka dam disaster, 7 June 2023

Interviewed for Yliopistolehti “Autoritääristä yhteiskuntaa on vaikea muuttaa, mutta aktivistit ovat sitkeitä, sosiologi–oikeustieteilijä Freek Van der Vet sanoo”, 6 June 2023

Interviewed for Yle evening news on Environmental impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 26 April 2023

Interviewed for Yle Radio on Environmental impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 26 April 2023

Interviewed for “Räjähdykset ja myrkyt tuhoavat Ukrainan peltoja – saasteet vaikuttavat pitkään eivätkä tunne maiden rajoja, sanoo tutkija” Yle uutiset (Yle news), 26 April 2023

Interviewed for “Ei siihen heti kuole, jos juo saastunutta pohjavettä” Suomen Kuvalehti, 30 March 2023

Interviewed for “Konflikt, Krieg, Klima? Zusammenhänge zwischen Krieg und Umwelt”, Grün Hinterm Ohr, April 2022

Interviewed for “When Russian Troops Arrived, Their Relatives Disappeared” Vox, 12 April 2022


2023. Toxic Crimes Project: Collecting Evidence on Environmental Harm following Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. In international event on the Protection of the Environment in Armed Conflicts. Finnish Institute at Athens, Greece

2022. Toxic Conflicts: Expertise, Fragmentation, and Environmental Harm. International Studies Association Annual Convention. Nashville, USA (Online).

2022. Toxic Floods on Porous Lands: The Politics of Monitoring Conflict Pollution in the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Environmental Peacebuilding Association (EnPAx), Geneva, Switzerland (Online)

2020. Toxic Crimes: Legal Activism against Environmental Destruction in the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Invited online lecture at CREECA, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2020. Non-Presenting Co-Author of “Activists in International Courts: Theorizing Feedback Loops Among Courts, States, and Rights Advocates in International Legal Mobilization”, presented by Lisa Sundstrom, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Denver, USA (Online)

2020. “Toxic Crimes Project: Legal Mobilization against Wartime Environmental Destruction”, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Denver, USA (Online)

2019. “Toxic Crimes: Legal Activism, International Courts, and the Destruction of the Environment during War”, University of Copenhagen, iCourts. Seminar of international research group “ActInCourts”

2018. at Seminar “Activists in International Courts”, University of British Columbia, Canada

2018. Speaker, “No Truths Left to Report: Cause-lawyers, Freedom of Information Activists, and Trolls in Russia’s Surveillance State” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

2018. Speaker, “First Legal Aid: International Litigation after Violent Conflict” in panel “Legal Mobilization by NGOs in Regional Human Rights Courts” International Studies Association Annual Convention 2018, San Francisco, USA

2018. Speaker, at international seminar “The Use of Law by Social Movements and Civil Society”, organized by ARC Strategic Litigation, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

2017. Speaker, Roundtable, “What does the future hold for the Internet in Russia? Between the promise of democratization and the reality of state surveillance.” Annual Aleksanteri Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland

2017. Speaker, “First Legal Aid: Strategic Litigation and Remedy for the Victims of the Conflicts in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine”, International Seminar, “Legal Mobilization and International Courts”, University of British Columbia, Canada

2017. Speaker, “Brokers of Justice: International Litigation and Victims of the Conflicts in Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine”, iCourts, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2016. Speaker, “‘When they come for you’: Legal Mobilization as the Last Defense in Russia’s Surveillance State”, paper presented at the Law & Society Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA.

2016. Speaker, “Protecting journalists and human rights defenders in Russia: Defending the freedom of expression through international litigation” at the international conference “‘Between the Carrot and the Stick’: Emerging needs for and forms of NGOs in contemporary Russia”, University of Helsinki, Finland.

2015. Speaker, “Violence and Human Rights in Russia”, Seminar “Critical Perspectives on the Protection and Security of Human Rights Defenders”, School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK

2015. “Violence and Human Rights in Russia”, Uppsala University, Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Sweden

2014. “Who is Afraid of Human Rights in Sochi?” at ThinkCorner, University of Helsinki, Finland

2013. Invited speaker at LGBTQI week, Turku, Finland

2013. Invited speaker at “International Conference on Human Rights: Experience of the EU and the Russian Federation” in the framework of the Netherlands-Russia Year 2013. St. Petersburg, Russia