

2024. Open Access: “A Polluting War: Risk, Experts, and the Politics of Monitoring Wartime Environmental Harm in Eastern Ukraine” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space

2023. With Lisa Sundstrom. Introduction to Symposium on “Activists in International Courts: Backlash, Strategy, and Funding in International Legal Mobilization” Law & Society Review 57 (1): 6-11

2021. “Spies, Lies, Trials, and Trolls: Political Lawyering against Disinformation and State Surveillance in Russia” Law & Social Inquiry 46 (2): 407-434

2018. “‘When They Come for You’: Legal Mobilization in New Authoritarian Russia” Law & Society Review 52 (2): 301-336

2017. “In the Shadow of the Ombudsman: Civil Society and the Struggle for an Independent Human Rights Institution in St. Petersburg, Russia”, Europe-Asia Studies 69 (8): 1201-1221

2015. With Laura Lyytikäinen. “Violence and Human Rights in Russia: How Human Rights Defenders Develop their Tactics in the Face of Danger, 2005-2013”. Special Issue “Critical Perspectives on the Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders” The International Journal of Human Rights 19 (7): 979-998

2014. “Holding on to Legalism: the Politics of Russian Litigation on Torture and Discrimination before the European Court of Human Rights”. Social & Legal Studies 23 (3): 361-381

2013. “Transitional Justice in Chechnya: NGO Political Advocacy for Implementing Chechen Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights”. Review of Central and East European Law 38 (3-4): 363–88.

2012. “Seeking Life, Finding Justice: Russian NGO litigation and Chechen Disappearances before the European Court of Human Rights”. Human Rights Review 13 (3): 303–25.

Special Issues

2023. Edited with Lisa Sundstrom. Special Issue Symposium “Activists in International Courts” Law and Society Review

Book Chapters

2023. Spies, Lies, Trials, and Trolls: Political Lawyering against Disinformation and State Surveillance in Russia, in eds, Boutcher, Stephen, Corey Shdaimah, and Michael Yarbrough, Research Handbook on Law, Movements, and Social Change. Edward Elgar Publishers

2019. “Imprisoned for a ‘Like’: The Criminal Prosecution of Social Media Users under Authoritarianism”, in Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere, edited by Mariëlle Wijermars and Katja Lehtisaari. Routledge: London, New York.

2016. With Lyytikäinen, Laura. “Violence and Human Rights in Russia: How Human Rights Defenders Develop their Tactics in the Face of Danger, 2005-2013”. In Critical Perspectives on the Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders, edited by Dana Ingleton, James Savage, Alice Nah, and Karen Bennett. Routledge: London, New York.

Other Academic Publications

2023. Opponent Statement on Doctoral Dissertation “Confronting Corporate Environmental Damage in Kenya. A Study on the Regulatory Potential of the Constitutional Right to a Healthy Environment” by Rosemary Mwanza. University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Law School. Finnish Environmental Law Review 1: 58-66

2015. Open Access. “Protecting Rights in Strasbourg: Developing a Research Agenda for Analysing International Litigation from Russia”. In the Special Issue: “Culture of Complaints in Russia and Eastern Europe”. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 6 (3): 105-118.

2015. Lectio Praecursoria. Venäläiset Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimessa. Idäntutkimus 1 (2015). Translated into Finnish by Hanna Ruutu

2012. “Human Rights in Russia: Going beyond the Perils of Activism”. Baltic Worlds (3-4): 54-59.

Doctoral Dissertation

2014. Doctoral Dissertation: “Finding Justice at the European Court of Human Rights: The Dynamics of Strategic Litigation and Human Rights Defense in the Russian Federation“. Publications of the Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki. Unigrafia: Helsinki

Book reviews

2015. “Book Review of The Reappeared: Argentine Former Political Prisoners” by Rebekah Park. 2014. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, AllegraLab

2012. “Book Review of Human Rights Matters: Local Politics and National Human Rights Institutions” by Mertus, Julie. 2009. Stanford: Stanford University Press, in Suomen Antropologi

2010. “Book Review of Surrendering to Utopia, an Anthropology of Human Rights“, by Goodale, Mark. 2009. Stanford: Stanford University Press, in Suomen Antropologi 35 (3): 96-97

Trade Publications and Briefing Papers

2021. Hakala, Emma & Freek van der Vet. Protecting the Environment During Armed Conflict: From Principles to Implementation. Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Briefing Paper 311

2017. Comment: A.H. and Others v. Russia, European Court of Human Rights, European Human Rights Cases [Noot:A.H. and Others v. Russia, Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, European Human Rights Cases

Popularized publications

28 June 2023. With Emma Hakala. Vieraskynä: Ukrainan jälleenrakennus vaatti ympäristövahinkojen korjaamista. Helsingin Sanomat

7 December 2022. Sota saastuttaa Ukrainaa – ympäristötuhojen tutkiminen vaikeaa. Ulkopolitiikka, 4

1 June 2022. With Emma Hakala, “Ukrainan sodan ympäristötuhot uhkaavat jättää pitkän jäljen” Kehitys/Utveckling

20 April 2022. With Nickolai Denisov, Iryna Nikolaieva, and Dmytro Averin. “What Impact will the War in Ukraine Have on the Environment?” VoxEurop

8 April 2022. With Nickolai Denisov, Iryna Nikolaieva, and Dmytro Averin, “The Environmental Cost of the War in Ukraine”. Green European Journal. (Also available in German, Italian, Czech, French, and Spanish).

18 September 2018. With Pola Cebulak, “Internationale Gerechtshoven zijn Veerkrachtiger dan Vaak Gedacht Wordt”. Knack

28 August 2018. “‘When they Come for You’ How Lawyers Resist Authoritarianism in Russia”. Law and Society Blog

13 November 2015. With Laura Lyytikäinen. “How Can Human Rights Defenders Cope with Legal Constraints and High Risk in Russia?” New Tactics in Human Rights

6 November 2015. “Den Nordkaukasus vor Gericht bringen: Russische Nichtregierungsorganisationen und der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte”. Russland Analysen

24 March 2015. “Who is Afraid of Human Rights in Russia?” AllegraLab

2008. “Over Poetin’s Jongerenbeweging en de Oppositie” Tegenlicht/Backlight

2007. “The Honest Boxer, Grigory Yavlinsky Makes Another Run for the Presidency”. Russia Profile

2007. “Putin’s Plan?” European Forum for Solidarity and Democracy

2007. “Elections in Russia: the Party of Putin Wins”. European Forum for Solidarity and Democracy

2006. “De ‘Nasji’ Generatie” Alfred Mozer Foundation

2006. “De Soldaten Moeders en hun Adviesgroepen in Rusland” Alfred Mozer Foundation